
I am back!

Sorry for the intermission I was a bit silent for a long time. I will try to update more often this blog. Lots of things have changed recently about my life and I am really optimistic for this summer. I am working and have less and less time to update the blog. I am really enjoying the time beings.

Bonjour à tout le monde, je m’excuse pour l’intermission, j’ai été un peu silencieux pour un long moment. Je vais essayer de mettre à jour plus souvent mon blog. Je travaille et j’ai de moins en moins de temps pour le mettre à jour. J’espère que vous appréciez le temps que vous venez ici.

As always,
Comme toujours,


Back to the good road

Hello everybody that follow us and others wondering about what happened since the beginning of January. Hey, it has been a huge moment getting into the road of the street. I get up after a long moment of difficulties. Day one it was a bit Snow that brings me out there. Really into the night, after all, have to admit, I didn’t cover all the city. I get everywhere I seem to understand both worlds. I guess, being outdone that no matter what, I didn’t talk to lots of people. I am really packed with lots of time. That pastime was foremost. Nobody on time could be really reached, so I get lots of difficulties, guessing where to go. A long moment of reaching. Time really like, hope the best for each day, cannot do better. I am happy to talk to you, I get a better understanding of the situation that people has when getting lost onto the city. More coming up.


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