
Pattern, cut, path, normalized

In a new way that I did fortunately take I feel the chosen wavelength on the everyday music tumbling over my ears. Felt a bit too much gravity and shining star, brighter each time. Where are the beautiful circling around the little puzzling artefact leaved by the others leaf going each and other way burning the hand of the light and remarks that leave others kind of surprise. It was a soft touches that blind me up.

Sometimes but not always I did open and close my eyes to brightened little assumptions over the tracks full of rest of bottle on the way toward. From another world, completely going forever.

Over a sigh of brush, time to go from a feeling to another ones. Did everything just stop there and always come back somewhere else, marking the little ground.

Love sight, love stay, love underwent.

Sometimes but not always,

It will go, and come back again.

A little track with a little poem

Here a little track with a quick poem…
Hopefully it’s pretty cryptic.

“Click on the play button”

Coming to this town
Fooling all around
She is a lifted stars

It’s a pretty good life
Everything seem to be crashing in the sky

No more tears have vanished so quick
It go beyond reach
Another breaking sound

Where do she come so clearly
That it disappear so quick?

There is no way to be left down
It coming better that way
Tomorrow is maybe better than yesterday

The street of New Way

The big time I say I was somewhere in between. I look there nothing that changes, long time getting on. I would believe it flow once in a while. I keep on walking in the little place. Never I take that long path, I refuse to admit I was looking like them. I keep negotiate really near there almost a long road but today I don’t have time for that. I am willing to find someplace one day, surely hope. Living like that is a bit too much ahead. Things were living in that place. I hold my best way to go up. The perfect dream has to be relapsed, it goes further the point of no return. I guess they all silence that kind of vivid. Look upon another wall. Convey the pathway each side, get the loopback, it would do the hold. Things bring always a better way to appreciate the little bit of conjecture.

My personal daemon

I guess what I am still not really know is how far it can go. Life is a good thing to get through. When I was sitting near the place of the street, I was looking there for the night become like dust. I get twine into the brightness of the big heap. Until the snow could beat my generous and also filter all the mockery of the limb. I guess no one knows where it could have gone. My clue was purposely waiting at the pace of my window heart. Collapsing into the big circuit of this perfect land with lamp. I was searching the energy that fuel that rampage and dispute all the tiny little mark under the skin so hard I couldn’t sleep with lots of it, I was fueling to dust.

Job Title : Kindness

I was in a time of change in my life, all the situation was clearly difficult.
The tough moment was going on I was bothering more about the price index, than school.
School was teaching me probably to get out – sometime it’s like that – Panic it’s my boss : Do you want to keep your job still, I say of course I can do it, it’s for what? Oh I guess I drop that day off to work for you. I’m perceiving still today it could be a messy day, believe me or not, try to do something more useful was really entitle for. The day I discover that even with almost no real training I was enjoying the ranking of that place, everything was going really hugely correctly. I am well getting the message of that place, anyhow I was ranked to not be only a real person with no motive to get higher – I would be, until a collapse occur, the tragegy could be probably to try – what the other was thinking of, people they get little zealous sometime, when you fit somewhere perfectly. I like the team so far, quit school to have the best of the best in that scheme service and professionnal help and cleaner, it never leave me up since that day. After a while I recognize that I was able to train myself to work, into that kind of ranking, which is a medium enterprise of confection product of general oats, like that place for a while, until I get that I was too much difficult to keep steady my life. After that I didn’t say I would become obsolete – I had good feeling it could be higher, all the time.

When I wake up broken, you wake up silly.

Little pet talk here, you know we are millions miles away, we are broken altogether in different ways. I like you so many way but are we doing the same mistake? Sure. We want a explanation why we didn’t get together soon, it’s impossible to do nothing about it, could ever this go better, change thing and most of all resolve the issue?

The issue is a big one, I hope we could understand that we never get so fast on the flat lane. You like me dark as a good old detuned radio. We born about half way and we try to be as funny as we can, you even send me a poem, I don’t know exactly what does that mean but we are so wasted. Celeste ah common 🙂

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